Research Opportunities

We are committed to the development of and investment in a public health career pathway that embeds research into service roles and opens opportunities to individuals.

Types of Opportunities

PhD Studentship Scheme

Scientists working in a lab.

PhD Studentship Scheme

We run an annual PhD studentship project scheme where we award funding to project plans put together by our researchers and academic partners. The scheme supports both our own staff to undertake PhDs and the recruitment of new students. We are not able to fund employees of other organisations to undertake PhDs.

New students normally start around the beginning of each academic year. Recruitment of students generally takes place between March and July each year. Projects are advertised through specific academic partners and sometimes via Links to any projects open for applications will be regularly updated on this page.

Affiliated Research Centre of the Open University

Scientist demonstrating to a prospective student.

Affiliated Research Centre of the Open University

UKHSA has a long and successful tradition of providing support to staff to study part-time for higher research degrees. UKHSA has Affiliated Research Centre (ARC) status with the Open University which supports the provision of high-quality and flexible doctoral training in our three main sites. The degrees supported by the UKHSA ARC programme are part and full-time research degrees and a PhD by published works.

Learn about ARCs

Scientific Career Opportunities

Scientist using a pipette.

Scientific career opportunities

  • Our staff are encouraged to develop portfolios as independent researchers working towards improvements across the public health portfolio.
  • We host post-doctoral research workers working to develop improved public health
  • We offer honorary contracts to academics to improve the public health science base. We are also eligible to host joint academic posts with partner organisations.

If you would like to establish stronger academic links or have a post-doctoral project you would like to support, please contact Other opportunities are published in NHS jobs, or through and via our partners.

Research and Collaboration Opportunities

Research and collaboration.

Research and Collaboration Opportunities

Our experts work in partnership with university-based researchers nationally and internationally, research funders, the NHS, local authorities, the third sector and the public to maximise research capabilities across the system.

The Research Support and Governance Office is the central point of contact for enquires regarding research and collaboration opportunities and offers from academia and other research-active organisations

Opportunities for Industry

Opportunities for industry.

Opportunities for Industry

UKHSA can provide your organisation with access to world-leading expertise in research and development across a broad range of activities that prevent and reduce of the effect of diseases and chemical and radiation hazards.

We offer opportunities for research collaboration and partnership, consultancy, technology licensing and training and development for industry.

Please contact our Business Development Team ( who have in depth knowledge of our organisation’s research activities and will be able to direct your enquiry to the appropriate experts.

Research and Collaboration Opportunities

OPEN CALL: Apply to undertake an ‘Innovation in AMR’ study with UKHSA, working with our scientific experts.

Click here for more information